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Installing OpenQbo on clean SD

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Returning to OpenQbo after a while, and I have some issues intalling OpenQbo by follwing the steps on

I just downloaded a raspbian stretch iso, burnt into the SD, and followed the steps.

So far it ended the installation without errors, and Mycroft is installed and working, mouth leds are moving when Mycroft speaks, but that's all, no head movement, no nose led indicator and no Web Panel listening on port 8000.

Besides, my /opt directory seems missing all Qbo related packages (there are snowboy and mycroft directories, though)

Is there a newer guide, or way to install v2 or v3 of openqbo?


Thank you everyone.

Qbo Robot
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Posted by: @malevolent

Returning to OpenQbo after a while, and I have some issues intalling OpenQbo by follwing the steps on

I just downloaded a raspbian stretch iso, burnt into the SD, and followed the steps.

So far it ended the installation without errors, and Mycroft is installed and working, mouth leds are moving when Mycroft speaks, but that's all, no head movement, no nose led indicator and no Web Panel listening on port 8000.

Besides, my /opt directory seems missing all Qbo related packages (there are snowboy and mycroft directories, though)

Is there a newer guide, or way to install v2 or v3 of openqbo?


Thank you everyone.

Hi @malevolent

you can download a complete image of OpenQbo version 3 in beta  from here:

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Thank you very much. I've downloaded and burnt into the SD without problems.

Now, after the first boot, it says "I'm not connected to the internet, please scan QR Code". I've gone to to enter my SSID credentials, but the QR is not generated. When click on "Generate!", the page simply reloads.

Besides that, buttons has some weird caracters and even "Hidden" checkbox does nothing

It's like javascript isn't working or the page is completely borked.

I've finally managed to configure wifi through raspbian desktop, by showing it whith "Meta+D" and using the network applet.


Thank you

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I advise you to read my textbook to implement Q.BO STEM or Q.BO One at the latest version, with which you can also make it play with chat-gpt.
