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[Sticky] My initial experience with One

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Thought I would post these notes, in case they are helpful to others :) .  BTW, Thecorpora support was extremely helpful! :)

1.  Perhaps due to my pre-conceived notion of the robot working out-of-the-box, I was confused with the brief installation instructions/pictures.  So, after turning on the robot, I heard it speak, but was surprised that it did not respond :(

2. It turns out - at this time - you must open the robot base, and connect a USB keyboard, USB mouse, and HDMI monitor to the motherboard, so you can access the Raspberry Pi desktop where further configuration is needed.  With all my wireless gear and integrated monitors, it was a little hassle for me to set this up.

3. From there, you need to put in your local WiFi information.  Note that it will not be necessary for a person to open up the robot at install with the next release of the OS which supports a process of scanning the WiFi info into the robot via the robot's eyes :)

4. You will then need to run the "ConfigQBO" program on the desktop.  Since I did not create a "dialog agent" yet, I left the API AI token with the default (i.e., the "Small Talk" agent that Thecorpora Dev provided as a starting point and supporting about 60 voice commands listed somewhere on this site).  I also left it to start with "Interactive" mode, and clicked the "enable questions" check box. 

5. After you close the robot base, with the WiFi info in (and locking in the IP address with your router), you will not need to re-open the robot base to connect to the motherboard.  Instead you can remotely access the robot from your LAN with the static IP address using an SSH terminal to enter command lines into the OS or using the RealVNC VNC Viewer (a free download) to access the OS Desktop screen.

5. In general, the robot is designed to function in either "Interactive" or "Scratch" mode.

5a. "Interactive" mode requires you to create a free "Dialogflow" account via your Google Account.  When you create your own AI agent in the "Dialogflow" interface, you will obtain an API ID key which you will enter under ConfigQBO, and thus you will no longer be using the default "Small Talk" AI agent (and the corresponding supported voice commands).  The cool thing with this design is that you do not have to make any subsequent changes to the robot when you change your code, since the robot interacts with the latest "Dialogflow" code over the web.

5b. "Scratch" mode uses the M.I.T. Scratch programming language to provide an alternative visual way of coding the robot.

Hope this helps some one :)

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Dear friend for me the problem is greater because I am speak in spanish and this is a very technical language, now I have one IMac and all of my accessories are wireless too I don`t know how setup my robot step by step, I connect every thing to my macbook air but I can`t see the new interface in the window I don`t know if I have to use a simple monitor or I can use my Mac. Could you or someone of the Thecorpora team can help me please

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Hi, I cannot find the option to post a new topic in the forum. Only replying to an existing topic seem to work. So I post my question here although it would be better placed in the hardware section:
I want to connect a Jetson TX 2 instead of the Raspberry Pi. So I need to know which of the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi connector are being used for what purpose. So far I managed to connect the serial pins and I2S. I could try to figure out the rest by myself, but it cost a lot of time. Thank you

Qbo Robot
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Posted by: Eli

Hi, I cannot find the option to post a new topic in the forum. Only replying to an existing topic seem to work. So I post my question here although it would be better placed in the hardware section:
I want to connect a Jetson TX 2 instead of the Raspberry Pi. So I need to know which of the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi connector are being used for what purpose. So far I managed to connect the serial pins and I2S. I could try to figure out the rest by myself, but it cost a lot of time. Thank you

Hi Eli,

we are having some issues with the forum. We will try to answer you as soon as we can. Thanks for your patience.

Qbo Robot
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Posted by: Qbo Robot
Posted by: Eli

Hi, I cannot find the option to post a new topic in the forum. Only replying to an existing topic seem to work. So I post my question here although it would be better placed in the hardware section:
I want to connect a Jetson TX 2 instead of the Raspberry Pi. So I need to know which of the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi connector are being used for what purpose. So far I managed to connect the serial pins and I2S. I could try to figure out the rest by myself, but it cost a lot of time. Thank you

Hi Eli,

we are having some issues with the forum. We will try to answer you as soon as we can. Thanks for your patience.

Hi Eli,

you can find our answers here:

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That's awesome - thank you!

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@Charliqbox, no he entrado aquí en meses, y no había visto tu "post" hasta ahora. ?Alguien te ha ayudado ya, o todavía quieres que te traduzco mi "post"?

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Hola, la verdad no me ha sido fácil porque todo está en inglés y es lenguaje muy técnico, yo soy médico así que no entiendo nada de robótica, el asunto es que conecte el qbox a internet y no he podido hacer nada más, el robot no interactúa conmigo ni me reconoce solo en muy pocas ocasiones, si me puedes ayudar sería fantástico


juan carlos 

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Hola Juan Carlos, si pudiste conectar al internet, completaste lo mas esencial :)

De todos modos, el proceso de instalación ahora es un poco diferente que el proceso original, después que sacaron una nueva versión del "software" de sistema.  ¿Tú instalaste esta nueva versión del software, abriendo el robot y reemplazando el SD card con uno donde pusiste la nueva versión?

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for the initial setup I recommend to plug extenal screen, keyboard and mouse. of course for keyboard and mouse you can use usb wireless, have not tried bluetooth yet. once wifi config is done, you can logon remotely (from your iMac) using VNC. 

Qbo Robot
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Posted by: aklabat

for the initial setup I recommend to plug extenal screen, keyboard and mouse. of course for keyboard and mouse you can use usb wireless, have not tried bluetooth yet. once wifi config is done, you can logon remotely (from your iMac) using VNC. 

With OpenQbo V2.0 is not necessary to connect any device to the Rpi3.

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Hi, I just received my Q.Bo today.

It just said that it's ready, but I can't let it connect to the internet through the QR code. anyone can help please.

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I am assuming that even though you just got your, it still came with the older v1.0 of OpenQbo which works as noted in my post that started this thread - not with the newer QR code design.  The QR code design requires you to follow the process to update the robot’s operating system (OpenQbo) with version 2.0 which then allows you to just scan the QR code.

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Thanks, finally it has some response, but I'm not a coder, where can I learn for the scratch? and how to input it?

Qbo Robot
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Posted by: silvermoon52


Thanks, finally it has some response, but I'm not a coder, where can I learn for the scratch? and how to input it?

Hi, silvermoon. You can found thousands of blogs and webs about Scratch around the world. With  you have more blocks to interact with the environment ( speak, ear, see....). Enjoy!

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