Lifetime of paramet...
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Lifetime of parameters

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Hi - and sorry, I'm quiet new in dialogflow and got a problems. In my dialogs I collect several informations from the user. Let us say: What is your favorit color and I give this value to a parameter with the value $usercolor! Then I got a follow up intent, and maybe a next one... and the I would like to say to the user. "Ok $username, I remember your favourit color is $usercolor....." but the values inside the parameters are lost. I don't understand, what to do, to "rememer" this values for a long conversation? :-)

Qbo Robot
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Posted by: @baits

Hi - and sorry, I'm quiet new in dialogflow and got a problems. In my dialogs I collect several informations from the user. Let us say: What is your favorit color and I give this value to a parameter with the value $usercolor! Then I got a follow up intent, and maybe a next one... and the I would like to say to the user. "Ok $username, I remember your favourit color is $usercolor....." but the values inside the parameters are lost. I don't understand, what to do, to "rememer" this values for a long conversation? :-)

Hi Baits,

you can find all the related information about "DialogFlow" parameters here:
