HOWTO enable Dialog...
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[Sticky] HOWTO enable DialogFlow V1.0

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Qbo Robot
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Once you’re connected to your network, run the “configQBO” program (right-click icon and select “Open”) from the desktop, then select the [Execute] option. [ Valid only for OpenQbo V1.0 & V2.0 ]

Select a “Language” (English or Spanish) and the “Start With” mode (Interactive or Scratch).

For Interactive mode change the APIai (DialogFlow) Token to yours.

Note: You will need to create a DialogFlow account on their Website, then create a Project to get its “Client Token” (


When we created One, our immediate priority is to allow anyone to use and work with it, whether they come with or without programming skills. The thinking behind this is not “what can the robot do for me” or rather “what I can make the robot do”. That is why we create One with “interactive mode” that works with a simple instructional interface from Google that will allow anyone to pick up and exploit One to its full potential and work with all its different features.

When you first connect up the robot, very much like what you would do to a new computer (i.e. attaching the monitor and keyboard to the mother board), you can setup with your router and connect it to internet. Thereafter, you can select either "Scratch mode" or "Interactive mode". Scratch is developed by MIT that comes with many online tutorials that run through its application, modules and related features. Alternatively, you can chose interactive mode that is created by our development team where we connect One with speech and natural language recognition system powered by Dialogflow (Part of Google) so that it can interact with its environment using touch sensors, LED matrix at the mouth, microphones, loud speaker, motors and webcams, among others.

Interactive mode has been developed entirely in Python by our team so that users is able to access and work with different hardware components of the robot, regardless of the level of their proficiency with programming language. They can put their creativity to work and create new applications for the family of robots and devices.


An interactive robot means that communication with the robot is bidirectional. Other systems in the market need to be called again and again by their names to receive and answer to a question. It is similar in characterization to the notion of saying “Hello Friend” every time we start a sentence and speak to him or ask him a question during the conversation. With One, this does not happen and One works like this during a conversation:

  • One is continually looking for a face. will not hear you during this process.
  • When One finds a face, it puts its nose in green and if the face is confirmed after a second, it will put its nose in blue. When the nose is in blue, One is ready to listen to you and waits for your question while looking at you.
  • If the blue light at the nose disappears, it will mean that One has lost track of the face and we wait for a new face before taking more questions.
  • Touch sensors are activated when is trying to find a face. Therefore, if we touch his ears, he will turn to the direction of the touch and try to find the person who touch him. Once the face is tracked, his nose will turn blue and will start to wait for a question.

A typical question and answer with One will go like this:-

Person: Hello

Qbo One: Howdy


Person: How are you?

Qbo One: Fine


Person: Good Bye

Qbo One: Bye


As you can see from the above example, it is not necessary to say “Hi” every time you ask him something. All you need is for him to focus on to you with the blue LED light on its nose.

"Clearly, this protocol is developed by our team which it can be modified and improved by you. What works for us may not work for you and you are at full liberty to make changes to it. That is the advantage and magic of an open-source platform."


DialogFlow is a service that allows developers build conversational applications using natural language processing techniques. Systems built with Dialogflow provide the knowledge base on which artificial intelligence systems can operate on. It also provides a voice assistant that allows you to create your own voice assistants using the SDKs for Linux, Android, IOS and even has libraries for programming languages like Java Script, Java, Python.

You will need to register with Dialogflow using your Google Account. Alternatively, you can enter the data from Scratch. After signing up, you can access the interface directly where you can create your own virtual AI assistant called an “Agent”. You can add new skills to your assistant and each specific skills, also is called “Agent”.

To find your agent’s token and export to ConfigQbo, you need click on the gear icon next to your Agent’s name. On the page, look for a field labelled “Client Access Token” and input the alpha numeric code onto’s configuration window labelled “APIai token”. You can find more information from the following link:

Upon input of the token, One will be connected to the DialogFlow agent called “Small Talk”. Alternatively, you can connect it to one that you create on your own. Small talk is used to provide answers to causal conversation. This functionality can improve in a great deal user experience when talking to your agent. DialogFlow allows you to add intuitive questions, answers and train the Agent for very fluid conversation. Once the system is trained Qbo will answer the questions that his interlocutor without having to update anything. All updates can be done from your DialogFlow account and there is no need to update physically the software on the robot. In addition, DialogFlow has a range of pre-built databases called "Domains" that provide complete knowledge base for your conversational applications.

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How can I confirm that my robot is connecting to DialogFlow?

Qbo Robot
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Posted by: joemenrod

How can I confirm that my robot is connecting to DialogFlow?

If you say for example "hello" and you received and answer from the robot.

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And if it doesn't, how do we troubleshoot ?

Qbo Robot
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Posted by: laloutre

And if it doesn't, how do we troubleshoot ?

Do you have an account in Dialogflow and your TOKEN into the CONFIGFILE?


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Qbo Robot
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Posted by: laloutre


Please can you send a video to ?

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I have connected my QBo using Ethernet cable with the raspberry pi. But I am able to enter using VNC but when I click the browser inside the raspberry pi and try to connect it, the internet is not connecting. What can I do now?


Qbo Robot
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Posted by: msriram1105

I have connected my QBo using Ethernet cable with the raspberry pi. But I am able to enter using VNC but when I click the browser inside the raspberry pi and try to connect it, the internet is not connecting. What can I do now?


If you can enter via VNC obviously your robot is connected to Internet.

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Now I am able to connect QBo and it worked by detecting my face. But how can I make the QBo to speak and interact with my students?


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Build engaging conversations for the Google Assistant using Dialogflow (Google I/O '18)

This video helped me understand how it all works.


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I am taking this Udemy course to familiarize dialogflow.

Build CHATBOTS with Dialogflow (V1 & V2) and NodeJS

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how to get a token?
