QBO_Installer.sh v1...
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QBO_Installer.sh v1.0: Fails to install QBO software on brandnew image

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For those attempting to install the latest QBO software on a brandnew raspbian (or any other) image straight from https://gitlab.com/thecorpora/QBO, you've noticed that the latest QBO_Installer.sh script (v1.0) fails to do so.

Main reason is that the installer clones first the MyCroft Software  in /opt/qbo/mycroft-core in INSTALL_OR_UPDATE_DEPENDENCIES before the actual QBO software in /opt/qbo in INSTALL. This causes "git clone"  to error. For those who just upgrade from a previous working setup, they won't notice.

The fix is quite simply to put the MyCroft installation ...

# Install MyCroft Software
/usr/bin/git clone -b master  https://github.com/MycroftAI/mycroft-core.git  /opt/qbo/mycroft-core
bash /opt/qbo/mycroft-core/dev_setup.sh --allow-root

/usr/bin/pip3 install certifi monotonic

sed -i 's/paplay %1 --stream-name=mycroft-voice/aplay -D convertQBO %1/g' /opt/qbo/mycroft-core/mycroft/configuration/mycroft.conf


# Cloning repository
/usr/bin/git clone -b ${REPO_QBO_BRANCH} ${REPO_QBO} /opt/qbo
chown -R qbo:nogroup /opt/qbo

I've created a patch-1 branch and requested a merge.

This topic was modified 6 years ago 3 times by chrisbuy

Christian Buysschaert
Leuven - Belgium
Email christian.buysschaert@gmail.com

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My target is to be able to ID a face and assign a recorded name and recognize them aways.  Further out, the ability to operate a 7 axis arm, via gcode,  to do useful things for Q.bo..

This post was modified 6 years ago by chrisbuy

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Posted by: greybeard81

My target is to be able to ID a face and assign a recorded name and recognize them aways.  Further out, the ability to operate a 7 axis arm, via gcode,  to do useful things for Q.bo..

We noticed that one university in USA is working with Q.bo to implement this Open Source Face Recognition project.

Link:  https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition

This post was modified 6 years ago by chrisbuy

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Thanks for the info.  Robots are a moving target at lightspeed.

This post was modified 6 years ago by chrisbuy

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I got an answer from Thecorpora...

-The installation of MyCroft has moved it from the INSTALL_OR_UPDATE_DEPENDENCIES function to the INSTALL function, making mycroft in this case to be installed only when you install it from scratch, but if I come from a version that does not have MyCroft and update, MyCroft would not work.

Having it in INSTALL_OR_UPDATE will cause the installation from scratch to completely FAIL! 

Also, it is also not logical to have it in INSTALL_OR_UPDATE where you focus on Raspian and Python packages! If you need it added for older installations without Mycroft, you would put it as well in UPDATE!

I've updated the code and I've seperated the Mycroft installation in a function INSTALL_MYCROFT which is called both from INSTALL and UPDATE! (Like INSTALL_SNOWBOY for Snowboy)! This will work for new and old images!

I'll create a merge request later but in attachment how it will look like!

This post was modified 6 years ago by chrisbuy

Christian Buysschaert
Leuven - Belgium
Email christian.buysschaert@gmail.com

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I got more answers from Thecorpora...

- On line 110 there is a typographical error, I think you accidentally deleted an enter.

I created a new merge request and attached the corrected version.

This post was modified 6 years ago 3 times by chrisbuy

Christian Buysschaert
Leuven - Belgium
Email christian.buysschaert@gmail.com

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More answers from Thecorpora...

- In the apt-get two packages are installed that are not needed for Qbo to work.

If you tell me which packages, we can easily remove these.

- In the pip install, before the version of django and its components was specified, now it is no longer making the latter always installed, causing problems in the future.

How could the extra components for django cause problems? I can only imagine more resources used but minimal! If we do specify a version we also generate problems in the future as django will not run anymore on the latest and greatest raspian which the INSTALL_OR_UPDATE_DEPENDENCIES function will upgrade to!

Christian Buysschaert
Leuven - Belgium
Email christian.buysschaert@gmail.com

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Hello everybody,

      I am struggling for a week now to have MyCroft installed on my Q.Bo One. On a fresh raspbian installed with noob, I have tried the GitLab instructions, chrisbuy modified installer and the only thing I got was the admin webpage after an installer update because after install nothing came up after reboot.  I have selected Mycroft, rebboted and waited for MyCroft pairing code, the system just started the admin page again. I have tried scratch to light the nose led and motor turn but nothing worked and no error shown.

      I am asking if someone of you who have manage to have installed MyCroft correctly, please be kind and make an image of the system for the ones with limited linux knowledge. 

      Thank you,

       Regards, Daniel

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Hi Daniel! I am no expert in any way, but when I flash the 'OpenQboV3.0' (found here) onto the Micro-SD card for the Pi my Q.bo will start using Mycroft as default (after initial startup period). Did you try that already?

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Thank you very much, exactly what I needed. I didn't know that the V3 image was already launched. I was scanning the blog and forum for that. 

I have installed it and it's working, now I just have to play with mycroft to put knowledge in Qbo.


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I've written a correct QBO_Installer.sh for virgin Raspbian Stretch images.

This post was modified 5 years ago by chrisbuy

Christian Buysschaert
Leuven - Belgium
Email christian.buysschaert@gmail.com

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Will this work on a Buster image?


My qBO has been sitting by itself for a long time. I now have a Pi 4 and loaded it into my qBo and got it running, wifi operational, update and upgrade completed and configured. Now, where do I find the latest qBO and CV programs? Do I still have to scan the qr code or is my Pi 4 completed installation sufficient for qBO going on-line?

This post was modified 5 years ago by greybeard81

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No, I've tried. I can't get the drivers for microphones an speaker working. I've tried many things but gave up and still work with the original Raspbian Stretch.

Christian Buysschaert
Leuven - Belgium
Email christian.buysschaert@gmail.com

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I just reloaded scratch and am waiting for it to complete its downloads.  What do I load next to get qBo operational on my pi4? The location of the files I need would be most helpful.

This post was modified 5 years ago by greybeard81

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I loaded a new image and she is no speaking to me. 'Where is the internet?'  I'm hooked up with a keyboard and mouse and monitor.  and a raspi-3.  [I will try the raspi-4 tomorrow.]  I have hearing loss and have difficulty hearing qbo.

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