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[Closed] Please Read Before Using the Forum

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Qbo Robot
Member Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 185
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Dear Fans and Supporters of Project,

First of all, a Big Welcome to the Community. 

This forum is created as a supplement to various sources of information we put out there to help you with One.  At this juncture, we take the opportunity to provide you with some direction on how information about One are organized for your reference.

Generally, our blog  contains information on getting started with One with instructions on its setup, connecting to internet and updates to operating systems.  Issues, discoveries and opportunities are shared at our forum page.  For technical information relating to source codes, integration and sensors, our community goes to our Gitlab page for guidance.

If you have issues working with One, the best thing to do is to look the forum to see if the issue has been addressed.  Otherwise, you can always place your query on the forum where other users can assist you.  Alternatively, we recommend looking at our Gitlab page where we organize and deposit comprehensive information about One.  Last but not least, if you still cannot get an answer to your unique problem, do write to us at and we will point you towards the right direction in resolving your issue.  Do note however, we may take some time to reply as resources and time are limited.

As an open source platform, One is setup in such a way that all the information you need to work with the robot is readily available. Your patience and understanding as you run through the information to find what you are looking for will be much appreciated by our team.

Our team take the opportunity Thank everyone for your faith and trust in us.  Together, we will make social robots a valuable part of people’s lives.

With Best Regards,

Thecorpora Team

