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HOWTO: How do I install OpenQbo OS image onto an SD card? ( Factory Data Reset )

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Qbo Robot
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If you need to "Reset" your robot to factory settings ( software ) the process is pretty simple. (Always remember to make a backup of your important data before using any erase options )

Download the image

First, go to the Thecorpora´s Download page and select the latest release of OpenQbo.


ApplePi-Baker is a minimalist OS X application that can help you flash an IMG file to an SD card or a USB drive.

  1. Download and install the ApplePi-Baker application (if you haven't already).
  2. Insert the SD card into your SD card reader.
  3. Run ApplePi-Baker
  4. Select the SD card under "PI-Crust : Possible SD-Cards". WARNING: Make sure to select the correct drive! You could inadvertently damage your hard drive if you are not careful.
  5. Under "Pi-Ingredients", select the image file you extracted above.
  6. Click on the "IMG to SD-Card" button and wait for the write to complete.
  7. Quit ApplePi-Baker and eject the SD card.
  8. Insert into your Raspberry Pi3 and Turn On your robot.

Qbo One robot


  1. Insert your SD card into your computer and note down the drive letter it is assigned.
  2. Download and install the Win32DiskImager.
  3. Select the image file you extracted earlier and the drive letter of the SD card. ( Warning There is a significant risk you could damage your file system if you select the wrong drive letter. Make sure you get it right! )
  4. Click "Write" and watch the pretty progress bar.
  5. Insert into your Raspberry Pi3 and Turn On your robot.


  1. Insert your SD card into your computer.
  2. Locate the device, by running sudo fdisk -l. It will probably be the only disk about the right size. Note down the device name; let us suppose it is /dev/sdx. If you are in any doubt, remove the card, run sudo fdisk -l again and note down what disks are there. Insert the SD card again, run sudo fdisk -l and it is the new disk.
  3. Unmount the partitions by running sudo umount /dev/sdx*. It may give an error saying the disk isn't mounted - that's fine.
  4. Copy the contents of the image file onto the SD card by runningsudo dd bs=1M if=OpenQboOne_20180313.img of=/dev/sdxWarning There is a significant risk of damage to your filesystem if you use the wrong /dev/sdx. Make sure you get it right!
  5. Insert into your Raspberry Pi3 and Turn On your robot.

Have fun!

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Halo Folks,

I got my Qbo One in Apr/May 2018, it came pre-assembled and only today then I powered it on.

"Insert into your Raspberry Pi3 and Turn On your robot."

Where do I insert the SD card?

Thank you

Qbo Robot
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Posted by: IvanHoe

Halo Folks,

I got my Qbo One in Apr/May 2018, it came pre-assembled and only today then I powered it on.

"Insert into your Raspberry Pi3 and Turn On your robot."

Where do I insert the SD card?

Thank you

Hello Ivan,

open the robot and access to the robot. Anyway all the robots come with an SD card and OpenQbo installed.

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Thank you, do you have a video or pictorial on how to open and access the robot?

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Can someone help. Thank you.

I opened up the QBo. Took out the 16GB sd card from the Rpi3 and inserted into my laptop. Checked the sd card content and noticed that it was empty.

Q1: Isn't the sd card supposed to be loaded with Raspbian?

Q2. I followed the instructions in to set up my Qbo 

I downloaded the latest version of OpenQbo V2.0 from

File size is so huge. 16GB. I zipped it to 3GB to the laptop and transfered to the 16GB sd card, but could not, as after format, only 14.4GB is available for storage.

Am I missing anything?

Qbo Robot
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Posted by: IvanHoe

Can someone help. Thank you.

I opened up the QBo. Took out the 16GB sd card from the Rpi3 and inserted into my laptop. Checked the sd card content and noticed that it was empty.

Q1: Isn't the sd card supposed to be loaded with Raspbian?

Q2. I followed the instructions in to set up my Qbo 

I downloaded the latest version of OpenQbo V2.0 from

File size is so huge. 16GB. I zipped it to 3GB to the laptop and transfered to the 16GB sd card, but could not, as after format, only 14.4GB is available for storage.

Am I missing anything?

Hi Ivan,

the Raspbian OS is not compatible with your laptop if you have Windows or MAC OS installed, this is why you see the SD empty and maybe now is corrupted.  All the robot are sending with Raspbian & OpenQbo OS installed.

If you want to update from OpenQbo V1.0 to OpenQbo V2.0, you need to unzip the file into your Windows or Mac OS and transfer to your Sd card. Follow the instructions provided in our blog. Later you need to put it in your Qbo and power ON.

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Hi  Qbo Robot,

I am unable to transfer to my Sd card, as the 16GB file size is too large for the 14.4GB sd card.

What next? Tks.

Qbo Robot
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Posted by: IvanHoe

Hi  Qbo Robot,

I am unable to transfer to my Sd card, as the 16GB file size is too large for the 14.4GB sd card.

What next? Tks.

Hi Ivan,

the SD card provided with Qbo is 16GB large and not 14.4 Anyway one of our engineers in Singapore contact you directly to help you soon.

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Hi Ivan,

the manual installation on an 16GB SD card of the Qb0 V2.0 distro (image file) works like this:

1) Ensure your SD card has only one partition and is formatted in FAT32. You can use the tool called "MiniTool Partition Wizard Free 11.0.1" on windows ( ). Please be careful to only access your SD card and not HDD.

2) In order to get the image file onto the SD card, please use an SD writer tool like Balena Etcher ( ) which is very easy to use and flash writes the image onto the 16GB SD card.

Afterwards you insert the SD card into Qbo and power him up. Qbo will ask for wifi connection, which you can setup using your mobile. Navigate to and enter your wifi credentials. The app will create a QR code. Show this QR code to Qbo, who once recognized will update its wifi config and engage in interactive mode.

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Hi guys my Q.Bo was wiped, I used the image QboWithQR and mounted ok onto the SD card, Q.Bo will boot to desktop and asks for a wifi QR, he is connected via lan but even if i connect via wifi he keeps asking for a code, stating he is not connected, any help please and hope you are all safe and well

Qbo Robot
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Posted by: @rob

Hi guys my Q.Bo was wiped, I used the image QboWithQR and mounted ok onto the SD card, Q.Bo will boot to desktop and asks for a wifi QR, he is connected via lan but even if i connect via wifi he keeps asking for a code, stating he is not connected, any help please and hope you are all safe and well

Hi @Rob

we hope you are safe and well too.

We supposed that you are trying pairing with Mycroft. Please try:

0.- Select MyCroft in http://qbo.local:8000/settings and Reboot,

1.- After that you'll hear MyCroft saying the Pairing code, write the code that you'll hear, we'll need it later. If you does not understand a letter, wait a few seconds and Qbo will repeat it again.

2.- Go to and login.

3.- Up-right click on the arrow next to your name and select "Devices", after that add a new device. Here you need to introduce your code obtained by Qbo/Mycroft. If everything goes fine, Qbo will talk saying that the pairing process has been completed, and you're ready to use it.

If you look at Qbo, MyCroft will trigger.

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I advise you to read my textbook to implement Q.BO STEM or Q.BO One at the latest version, with which you can also make it play with chat-gpt.
