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How easy is it to set up and use One?

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Qbo Robot
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Topic starter One is easy to use and operate. Simplicity and accessibility are the core of our product. For setting up the robot, please go to:

Qbo Robot
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Posted by: msriram1105

When I scan the QR Code with the robot it says the user name and password is wrong. I am sure that I have entered the right user name and Password. Please help.

Be sure the first letter you introduce in the SSID field  is not a "capital letter"

Qbo Robot
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Posted by: msriram1105

I have done so, but still it says the user or password is wrong. Is there any other way to connect the robot? Or is there any other password that can be used?

Strange!, be sure you don´t have the capital letters activated in the password field.

Anyway you can open the robot removing the two screws from the base, connect a monitor, mouse & keyboard. 

Qbo Robot
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Posted by: msriram1105

I've removed and connected as you said. I tried the example program to test it. But the robot didn't moved. What can I do after removing the cover. Step by step instructions would be appreciated. Or else is there any link for step by step procedure?

are you connected to internet?

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How could I do that because it says the user name or password is wrong.

Qbo Robot
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Posted by: msriram1105

How could I do that because it says the user name or password is wrong.

Please can you send us a video to in order to know what are you doing?

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If I update the QBo One to V2.0 then will it scan the QR Code with it's eyes? Because I am not sure about the version it has come with. I will just download the v2.0 and mount that in a new SD Card and I will insert into the RPi of QBo One. Later, when it is booted with the new version I will try to scan the QR Code. Will that work?

Qbo Robot
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Posted by: msriram1105

If I update the QBo One to V2.0 then will it scan the QR Code with it's eyes? Because I am not sure about the version it has come with. I will just download the v2.0 and mount that in a new SD Card and I will insert into the RPi of QBo One. Later, when it is booted with the new version I will try to scan the QR Code. Will that work?

All the robots sent from September, 17th 2018 comes with the new version of OpenQbo V2.0 installed! Yes, you can scan the QR with the Qbo´s eyes following this step by step post

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Adding subscription to topic.  So frustrating that it doesn't attempt to scan my QR code.  I've tied both phone and printed paper and it doesn't seem to be doing anything but giving out the message"I'm Not connected to Internet, start scanning QR code".  Is there anything you can do to interact with it before you get the wifi connected? Some way of debugging the problem? There aren't any ports visible to connect to

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Posted by: GaryS

Adding subscription to topic.  So frustrating that it doesn't attempt to scan my QR code.  I've tied both phone and printed paper and it doesn't seem to be doing anything but giving out the message"I'm Not connected to Internet, start scanning QR code".  Is there anything you can do to interact with it before you get the wifi connected? Some way of debugging the problem? There aren't any ports visible to connect to

I have the very same problem. Please help.

Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 71
Posted by: GaryS

Adding subscription to topic.  So frustrating that it doesn't attempt to scan my QR code.  I've tied both phone and printed paper and it doesn't seem to be doing anything but giving out the message"I'm Not connected to Internet, start scanning QR code".  Is there anything you can do to interact with it before you get the wifi connected? Some way of debugging the problem? There aren't any ports visible to connect to

You unscrew the bottom from the base and connect a regular Ethernet cable in the Raspberry Pi, an HDMI screen and an USB keyboard (even an USB mouse). Then you can follow any Raspian Tutorial on the internet for configuring WiFi.

Oh, there is whole lot of more fun things you can do with after you unscrew the bottom and get it connected to a screen but you need a beginners level knowledge in Raspian and Python (or ready to experiment).

This post was modified 6 years ago 2 times by chrisbuy

Christian Buysschaert
Leuven - Belgium

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@chrisbuy, thanks for that suggestion about opening it up. Is there a link to somewhere where this kind of thing is described for those of us that chose the assembled version when we backed the original Q.Bo?  I'm very familiar with Python and have used a couple of flavors of Linux over the years so Picking up Raspian shouldn't be hard, but there wasn't anything that came with it, and the corpora website seems to have very limited documentation on the design of the system.  I backed it because I thought everything was supposed to be Open Source (programming and design) but can't seem to find design docs or whatever on github.  What am I missing?



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Posted by: GaryS

@chrisbuy, thanks for that suggestion about opening it up. Is there a link to somewhere where this kind of thing is described for those of us that chose the assembled version when we backed the original Q.Bo?  I'm very familiar with Python and have used a couple of flavors of Linux over the years so Picking up Raspian shouldn't be hard, but there wasn't anything that came with it, and the corpora website seems to have very limited documentation on the design of the system.  I backed it because I thought everything was supposed to be Open Source (programming and design) but can't seem to find design docs or whatever on github.  What am I missing?




you can find a lot of information about the open source code in Github & Gitlab, please take a look on this forum. Raspbian is the flavor Thecorpora and the project used with
