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Joined: Nov 8, 2018
Last seen: Jan 8, 2019
Topics: 1 / Replies: 6
RE: Programming QBo using Scratch

Yes I have configured properly. It can move its head and speak very limited conversations like giving response to the questions like "how are you?" an...

6 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 889
RE: HOWTO enable DialogFlow V1.0

Now I am able to connect QBo and it worked by detecting my face. But how can I make the QBo to speak and interact with my students?

6 years ago
Programming in Scratch

Hi, How can I program QBo in Scratch? After programming how can I upload it in my Qbo? I want to make QBo for interaction with my students. How can I ...

6 years ago
RE: HOWTO enable DialogFlow V1.0

I have connected my QBo using Ethernet cable with the raspberry pi. But I am able to enter using VNC but when I click the browser inside the raspberry...

6 years ago
RE: How easy is it to set up and use One?

If I update the QBo One to V2.0 then will it scan the QR Code with it's eyes? Because I am not sure about the version it has come with. I will just do...

6 years ago
RE: How easy is it to set up and use One?

How could I do that because it says the user name or password is wrong.

6 years ago